Mission Statement

Uniting Canadian RNA

RNA Canada ARN answers an unmet need for a unifying Canadian RNA-technology strategy:

  • We bring together academic and industry partners in a unified network, enhancing collaboration and communication.
  • We train the next generation of RNA researchers, focusing on innovative programs that prepare trainees for careers in industry.
  • We inform the government and funding partners about coming advances in RNA research, positioning Canada as a world leader in RNA breakthroughs.
  • We teach the public about the benefits and functions of RNA, to enhance societal understanding and acceptance of RNA technologies.

The Strengths

Our Canadian RNA Research Community

  • Is a nation-wide network of interactive RNA scientists
  • Produces high-quality science, important discoveries and innovative training programs for our next generation of RNA researchers
  • Fosters a dynamic biotechnology environment, poised to provide advances that improve the quality of life for all Canadians

The Gaps

Several gaps in our current RNA Research ecosystem exist:

  • Difficulty for basic RNA researchers to access funding and translational research initiatives, and to link with biotech companies
  • Lack of training programs that directly prepare the next generation of RNA scientists for the specific needs of industry
  • Need to inform non-experts in the public and political leaders on RNA technologies and their benefits to society
  • Lack of a national RNA innovation and application strategy

The Challenges

RNA Canada ARN must develop a national RNA research strategy that will:

  • ensure control over the development of future medicines and biotechnology products
  • reduce Canada’s dependency on foreign technologies to increase the biosecurity of Canadians
  • facilitate the growth of Canada-based RNA research and technologies
  • maintain Canadian expertise and stimulate job creation in the RNA sector

The Promise

By 2030, RNA Canada ARN will:

  • Develop a consortium and repository of national expertise on RNA in both academic and industry sectors
  • Improve the coordination of basic research, and facilitate the development of partnerships with companies to synergize translational opportunities
  • Develop novel, value-adding training initiatives to prepare the next generation of RNA scientists for greater collaboration and innovation with industry partners
  • Transform RNA research into an efficient and competitive pipeline dedicated to RNA discoveries and their optimal use for the benefit of Canadians

Learn More

White Paper

Provides a comprehensive description of the rationale, mission, and implementation of RNA Canada ARN.

Executive Summary

Provides a brief overview of the goals and approaches of RNA Canada ARN.

Achievement 2023

Provides a summary of RNA Canada ARN’s achievements to date.