The Nomination and Election Committee of RNA Canada ARN is extending the opportunity for nominees to step forward and for potential new members to express their interest in joining our Board of Directors. We are seeking candidates for election, with terms commencing in January 2024. There are up to fifteen (15) available seats on the Board of Directors.
Nomination Timeline:
- Nomination Deadline: October 31, 2023
- Extended Nomination Deadline: November 7, 2023
The Board of Directors will include representatives from the following 7 regions: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairies, Alberta, British Columbia, and Northern Canada. Additionally, we may elect eight (8) at-large Directors to serve on the Board (with a maximum of 4 from any one region). As of October 31, few nominations have been received from Atlantic, Prairies, Alberta, British Columbia, and Northern Canada. The extension is provided to make sure that interested RNA scientists in these regions consider the opportunity to serve and represent RNA science in Canada.
The primary responsibility of the RNA Canada ARN Board of Directors is to set goals, provide guidance, advice, and oversight to the executive team in implementing policies and plans established by the Board. Therefore, we are seeking individuals with a wide range of experience and expertise in leading scientific research programs in industry and/or academia, as well as a well-established presence within the Canadian research ecosystem. The positions are for three-year terms or until the election of their successor, with approximately six (6) Board Meetings expected per year.
For detailed information on the general powers of Directors, please refer to our By-laws, which can be found on the RNA Canada ARN website at Bylaws Link.
Eligibility: Candidates must be current members of RNA Canada ARN. If you are an eligible RNA Canada ARN member interested in nominating yourself for a Director position, please submit your name, a photograph, a biosketch (15 lines max), and a description of your interest and qualifications (15 lines max) at Nomination Form by the extended deadline of November 7, 2023.
Additionally, if you would like to nominate a colleague to serve, please confirm with that individual that they are willing to serve and provide their name, photograph, biosketch, and a description of their qualifications. Names, photographs, biosketches, and candidate descriptions will be posted on the RNA Canada ARN online voting site and may be circulated to members.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. We welcome your interest in serving RNA Canada ARN for the benefit of RNA science in Canada.
The Nomination & Election Committee
Benoit Chabot (Québec), Chair
Jocelyn Côté (Ontario), Vice Chair
Chantal Autexier (Québec)
Ethan Greenblatt (British Columbia)
Haissi Cui (Ontario)
Ute Kothe (Prairie)
Andrew MacMillan (Alberta)
Gilles Robichaud (Atlantic Canada)